Linda Thorne made her first classical tutu in 2010. This was the beginning of a fascination with creating tutus for ballet.

In 2011, Linda travelled to Las Vegas to attend a Tutus That Dance seminar, where she learnt tutu making techniques from expert teachers and sewed alongside inspiring tutu makers that were living her dream of creating beautiful costumes for a living. A second seminar in Melbourne in 2013 provided an opportunity to learn more techniques and meet Australian tutu makers.

At first it was a practical need to costume a dancing daughter, but very soon Linda was in love with making these enchanting garments which offer just the right mix of sewing challenge and reward, and discovering the joy it brought both her and the dancers she has sewed for.

The business dream finally became a reality when Linda launched Perth Tutus in early 2015. Since then, Perth Tutus costumes have appeared regularly on stage in Perth and throughout Australia.